Refs: Text normalization in Go - The Go Programming Language
Prior knowledge
Before learning this part, we should know some theoretical knowledge about Unicode equivalence - Wikipedia.
Refs: Text normalization in Go - The Go Programming Language
Before learning this part, we should know some theoretical knowledge about Unicode equivalence - Wikipedia.
Refs: Strings, bytes, runes and characters in Go - The Go Programming Language
Before learning this part, we should know some theoretical knowledge about utf-8 unicode and some basic usage of string in Go.
安全 | Docker 从入门到实践 (
容器中的数据在未设置时, 宿主机与其他容器是不感知, 其生命周期与容器生命周期保持一致; 然而数据的持久化是常见的需求, 例如记录关键日志; Docker 中支持两种方式的数据持久化:
参考: Docker实践, Docker Deep Dive;